We have regrettably filled the team cap of 40 for EurOpen 2018. :(
The following teams have currently signed up during Stage 1. Changes are very, very likely. Please fill in the form below to be put on the waitlist. There is a very high chance of moving up sometime during the second half of SEP.
DSG (one team each):
- Friedrich Abel, Vaih./Enz
- KG
- Dillmann
- St. Agnes
- KOSt
No accomm:
- USA (2)
- Germany trials (3)
- Liceo Gioberti, Italy (1)
- Richmond Park School, Bosnia & Herzegovina (1)
- DSDC Foundation, The Netherlands (4)
- Cohen-Idov Centre, Israel (2)
- Siach va Sig, Israel (1)
- Learning Leaders, China (4)
- Aci Schools, Turkey (1)
- Kaunas Jesuit School, Lithuania (1)
- Robert College, Turkey (2)
- Czech Debate Association, Czech Republic, (2)
- GSB Hamburg, Germany (1)
- Slovenia - ZIP (1)
- Sankt Annae Gymnasium, Denmark (2)
- ARGO Debate, Romania (1)
- ARDOR (Romania) (1)
- Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis High School, Lithuania (1)
If you wish to be put on the waitlist, then please fill in the form below.